Propane Supply & Market Intelligence
Providing energy for retailers to sell and deliver is important, but the process should not stop there. By intelligence we mean information we can all use to make better decisions. Retailers and consumers are all different. Flexibility in pricing, contract structure, and fixed price options are used to fit their specific needs, and to keep our source of energy competitive. It’s not the “our way or the highway”. If it makes sense and is financially sound, we can consider it.
Representation from Industry Organizations
National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) | Propane Education and Research Council (PERC)
Many independent retailers do not have the time or resources to get involved or influence policies past the state association level. National associations spend your money … we can make sure the independent retailer’s voice is heard.
Environmental & Green Messaging
You only must only watch and read to understand the importance of fitting into the new environmental world order. Knowing how to present this message, and keep it consistent with the industry’s direction, will be vital to the propane retailer over the next decade.
Autogas Training & New Products
Alliance Autogas training and certification is available at NO CHARGE to customers. This can include purchasing the Prins/Alliance Autogas system at Alliance Autogas partner pricing, even if you only plan to convert your company vehicles. We are always interested in new ideas to link Alliance Autogas opportunities with 38E customers and consumers. Customers also have an opportunity to access new consumer propane products as they move from developmental stage to consumer ready.
Workforce Recruitment & Education
As the NC TEC school prepare for its Q 3 2020 start up, we are involved in the development, funding requests, instructor recruiting, sponsorship areas. This recruiting and training concept is critical to our industry’s future.
Transportation Network
Trucking is always a concern in our industry, especially in the busy winter months. Access our relationships with all the top transportation providers, from largest common carrier to the independent retailer who has extra capacity.
Community Involvement
We support customer fundraisers and local charities, like Habitat for Humanity.
Disaster Preparation & Response
We have access to experienced retail advisors who are ready to interact with 38E customers and assist in operational problems or issues they may encounter during hurricanes or natural disasters. This can include the availability of crews ready to assist customers in need of tank recovery after an event.
Acquisition Checklist
Buying or selling a company is part of this industry, and key to any smart succession plan. A checklist, to study and execute years in advance of this decision, is key to preparation. Valuations and recommendations from a buyer’s perspective can make the transition process easier for any customer.